Friday, December 28, 2007

Post-Christmas check-in

I emerged from Christmas pretty much unscathed and maintaining 144, although I could still see the scale go up a bit next week. However, I think I’d be pretty comfortable if I did.

While I’m still eating waaaaay too many choccies while lounging around with Nick watching DVD’s received as gifts, I have done several positive things and in the spirit of optimism that I’d like to adopt in the new year, I shall list them rather than chide myself for all the things I did poorly (of which there were many…. Whatev! ‘Twas Christmas!!!)

- I ate a bowl of healthy, fiber-lious cereal as breakfast or a snack every day (gotta keep things moving!)
- I ate some fruit and some veg every day. Maybe not enough, but some.
- When I went back for seconds, I only had those things that I truly truly love.
- I didn’t finish all those seconds because I was full (I used to be mayor of “Clean Plate” ville.)
- I skipped the dessert because I didn’t love it.
- I went to the gym the day before Christmas, took the puppy for an hour long walk on Christmas day and then again to the gym on the 27th and 28th (this is particularly remarkable because I forgot my iPod on the 27th, BUT I STAYED ANYWAY!!!!!!)
- I did not over-consume coffee (don’t even ask how much coffee I’d drink if I allow myself free rein).
- Ditto on the booze (this is a feat in and of itself in my family… no, no one is a lush, but during celebrations the wine doth flow freely – as does the beer and the liquor…)
- I didn’t sneak food.

And you guys, the fact that I accomplished the last one could make me sing or cry or I don’t know what. That is one of my worst food-demons, and was the cause of much weight gain during holidays past. And worse, so much shame. I’m not sure what clicked, but I only even thought about it a couple of times and even then it was fleeting. I may have to face this issue again and again, but I have to approach each holiday or event separately, and celebrate each battle won like I won the war.

I’m starting to think about the New Year. And the fact that on the 30th, I turn 30 years old. I feel pretty good about it, and want to make my thirtieth year on this earth a good one.

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