Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Naughty or nice?


That’s a pound down. And while I’m not complaining, I am confused. Very, very confused. Because Christmas eating began on Saturday, and I was fully expecting that to be reflected. The fact that it’s not is somewhat mind boggling.

Or is it. (how mysterious!!) In actuality, while I have been snacking and tasting and picking, I haven’t gone all out, balls to the walls a-binging. And my appetite has been naturally curbed. What this unfortunately means is that I’ve been eating less healthy food because I’ve literally spoiled my supper (and lunch and afternoon snack, etc).

This is not a good thing. The silver lining is that I stop when full, something that I would have only scoffed at in the past (full??? What is this “full” you speak of??).

And while I haven’t gotten a whole lot of official exercise in, I have been walking around a lot getting Christmas errands done.

I’m still not sure if I was naughty or nice?


Julie said...

It is nice to see that despite thinking we are going to see a high number on the scales it in fact shows something else. What I have learned is that your body gets used to the healthy foods ... in fact too used to it, so that when you introduce unhealthy food back into your diet for a short period it revs up in order to deal with it because it doesn't recognize it anymore. So every once in a while it is ok to let go and eat (in moderation as they all say) some more delectable and full of fat and sugary treats. But it will eventually get wise to those foods and remember it likes to store them in familiar places.

Lisa Kay said...

I think you made some great points. It seems like once we do make a lifestyle of eating healthier, our indulgences are not as large as they used to be. I don't think I would 4 doughnuts - now, I would feel bad about one. Which explains why my thin friends can eat the occasional doughnut and not gain weight!

Merry Christmas!

Mom said...

This time of year is hard. Congrats on your loss, stand firm and I will try to do the same. It's hard. I stared fresh hot chocolate chip cookies in the face yesterday and walked away. I was offered chocolate walnut fudge right before lunch yesterday and declined. It was really, really hard. But I'm glad I stuck firm.

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Sounds like you are making good choices about when to stop! Congrats on the loss. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Path to Health

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Love that line "balls to the walls a-binging" Congrats on the 1 pound loss!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Way to maintain on this most difficult week NOT to gain! :-)
Path to Health